Revenue Coin (RVC) — Connecting Crypto Startups with Funding and Support | Listing and Token Utilities Revealed



What is Revenue Coin and What problem does it solve?

Revenue Coin is a unique and innovative token that aims to connect community customers with companies., offering an innovative financing and growth ecosystem specifically tailored to the needs of crypto startups. With a core focus on providing entrepreneurs with access to funding and support, Revenue Coin offers a customized launchpad, cutting-edge voting and governance tools, and a vibrant community of crypto investors and visionaries.

It revolutionises the token market by providing clever entrepreneurs with access to financial support through a vast number of users, institutions and VCs network. It aims to democratise access to projects that were previously limited to business sharks, investment funds, and banks. Revenue Coin is a ground-breaking project that combines the maturity of stock markets with the opportunities presented by blockchain technology, fundamentally changing the world of project financing.

Revenue Coin Token Overview

  • Token Name: Revenue Coin
  • Token Symbol: RVC
  • Total Supply: 1,724,900,516
  • Circulation Supply: 865,259,690 Listing

  • Trading Pair: RVC/USDT
  • Deposit: 3/23/2023 11AM CET
  • Trading: 3/23/2023 11AM CET

What are the utilities of tokens?
The Revenue Coin ecosystem involves a network of companies and users. RVC holders benefit from the potential increase in token value as the ecosystem grows and generates incomes thanks to the wide range of services the company offers. Token holders can vote and participate in early investing through the Revenue Launchpad. These projects are selected by the Revenue community and experts, ensuring the quality and potential profitability of the projects. The ecosystem promotes collaboration and decision-making through voting by token holders, allowing them to have a say in the selection of projects.

Which part does the project ecosystem include?
Startups partnering with Revenue gain exclusive access to diverse investors, funding opportunities, and the expansive Revenue Partners Ecosystem, accelerating growth and ensuring success. The experienced Revenue team offers technical expertise, strategic planning, smart contract implementation, and dedicated funding support, expediting crypto projects and enabling startups to thrive.

Revenue Coin Official Media

For more information about Revenue Coin, please visit:


Accessibility. Security. Equity.

As a leading global platform for cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, seeks to build an ecosystem that grants everyone access to digital assets and blockchain technology. With over 2.8 million users worldwide, aims to become the preferred cryptocurrency trading platform and digital service provider worldwide.

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